Community Engagement

The Parish Council is committed to community engagement, which provides the opportunity for you to express your views and to involve you in decisions that affect you and the community overall. It also enables the Parish Council to consult with and inform you about what services it provides, or is considering providing. Whilst there may be circumstances where formal consultation is not appropriate, we will continue to monitor how we consult and we appreciate feedback on how we can improve.

Currently, the Parish Council consults through the following: 

  • Parish Council website
  • Various local publications e.g. the Parish Magazine, the Village Magazine
  • Posters on noticeboards
  • Public meetings
  • Social media
To help improve Community Engagement, the Council would like as many people as possible to sign up to our on-line Newsletter. Hand delivery is becoming increasing difficult, with the only company we could use no longer being in business. So we would be really pleased if you would sign up to receive the Newsletter by email: see the home page for the quick and easy way to do this. We promise we will not inundate you with emails and, of course, we will not share your information with any other agency or organisation.