Welcome to Funtington Parish Council

The Parish of Funtington includes the villages of Funtington, East and West Ashling and West Stoke together with North Hambrook and North Fishbourne. As well as the four main villages, mention should be made of a hamlet to the north of Funtington Villlage - Adsdean - with gardens and parkland created between 1840 and 1880.

Funtington Parish Council works to serve the local community to make the Parish a better place for its residents. The Councillors, who are all volunteers, make every effort to represent the views of the parishioners and, where possible, aim to make a difference by influencing local decision-making.  



Register to vote in the UK General Election

Now that a General Election has been announced for 4 July 2024, we are reminding residents of the need to register to vote by midnight on 18 June.

The last day to apply for, or make a change to, a postal vote is 5pm on 19 June. The deadline to apply for a proxy vote - so that someone can vote on your behalf - is 5pm on 26 June.

Please remember that when you go to a polling station, you'll need your photo ID to vote in the election. Find out more about the accepted forms of ID, or apply for a voter authority certificate before the deadline of 5pm on 26 June. Visit our website for more election information.